
Showing posts from February, 2020

How To Get Rid Of A Stye Overnight – 34 Home Remedies

So you’ve woken up to find your eye has a burning, itchy sensation and when you look in the mirror you see a reddened swelling that looks like a pimple on the edge of your eyelid. The painful, swollen lump is making your lid feel scratchy and teary and you realize with dismay that you have a stye on your eye. A stye on the eyelid may also make your eyes sensitive to light and make blinking uncomfortable. Causes And Symptoms Of A Stye Or Sty So  what causes a stye and how long does it last?  A stye – or hordeolum – is an acute infection of a sebaceous gland, apocrine gland or eyelash follicle in the eyelid caused by the bacterium staphylococcus. When a sty occurs on the inside of the eyelid, its known as internal hordeolum. On the other hand, something known as a  chalazion is what you spot as a lump in the eyelid. A stye on the eye can be caused by any of the following factors: poor hygiene stress dehydration poor nutrition inadequate sleep inserting con...


Fоr thаt pеrfеct bоdy….wе spеnd hоurs in thе gym tо burn cаlоriеs аnd еnhаncе оur mеtаbоlism. But thе sаmе cаn bе аchiеvеd by prеssing а fеw prеssurе pоints in оur bоdy. It sоunds Unbеliеvаblе, dоеsn’t it??!! оld аgе thеrаpiеs… likе аcuprеssurе аnd аcupuncturе аrе knоwn tо curе vаriоus аilmеnts withоut sidе еffеcts. еvеry pаrt оf yоur bоdy is cоnnеctеd tо thеsе prеssurе pоints,prеssing which yоu cаn curе hеаlth prоblеms аnd еvеn lооsе wеight еffеctivеly. Thеrе аrе sеvеn prеssurе pоints, which cаn quickly hеlp lоsе wеight аnd incrеаsе mеtаbоlism, incrеаsе еnеrgy lеvеls, аvоid аnd rеducе fаt dеpоsits, аnd curb yоur аppеtitе. Sо hеrе’s thе tеchniquе аnd dеtаils tо rеducе thоsе еxtrа kilоs. Yоu cаn thаnk us lаtеr!! 1) Mаssаgе thе prеssurе pоint оn fаcе By prеssurе оn thе prеssurе pоint оf yоur fаcе, yоu will bе аblе tо curb yоur аppеtitе аnd аlsо cоntrоl strеss. Strеss rеsults in wеight gаin. Sо rеducе yоur wеight by аctivаting this pоint, 2 timеs а dаy аnd sее thе diffеrеnc...

Remove Those Ugly Dark Patches On The Neck, Underarms And Inner Thighs In 15 Minutes!!!

Ladies, would you like to learn a simple trick, which will help you eliminate those annoying dark spots on your neck, inner thighs and underarms in less than 15 minutes? If YES, then please read on. As we said, in this article we are going to show you how to make the most powerful and most effective homemade remedy, which will help you get rid of the dark patches on your neck, underarms and inner thighs. You can do that in less than 15 minutes. Sounds great, right? According to the experts, the aging process and the sun exposure are the 2 main causes of dark discoloration on the neck. Other causes are diabetes, genetics, polycystic ovary syndrome, poor hygiene, and sudden weight loss or weight gain. You probably already know that there are many natural remedies to reduce the discoloration of skin around the neck. To get rid of these problems, people usually use over-the-counter products, which are chemical based products. We all know that they can be dangerous in some cases. The...


Your gut is the entire digestive tract that runs from your esophagus to your rectum. It does more than just take in food and excrete food, however. Experts refer to the gut as the second brain. The microbes and nerves in the gut can launch communication with the brain, affecting everything from hunger to mood. If your gut is healthy, you have a proper balance of good and bad bacteria. Your stomach secretes the right amount of acid to help process your food, and your liver and pancreas release the right enzymes to further digest your food. The right balance of what you eat feeds your body. It also feeds the healthy bacteria in the gut that allow your food to be used effectively by the body. If your gut is healthy, your body and mind probably are too. Click Here!Find A1 supplements Here! You might think that the signs of an unhealthy gut would be obvious. Of course, symptoms like digestive distress, bowel movement problems, and abdominal pain can signal that something is unhea...

Best Kept Secrets to Good Feminine Hygiene!

The smell of your v&gin& shall never be a punch line for a horrible joke. But, most of the women have to deal with the v&gin&l odor at least once or twice in their whole lifetime. It is not false that every woman has a different scent and may be affected by various factors, including menstruation, infection and se&ual activity. The normal and healthy v&gin& shall not have any kind of odor. These are the things you need to do to make sure you smell fresh and stay clean down there: Washing and Showering Tips You should know about the proper ways to care for your v&gin& when you are in the bathroom: 1.    It depends on your routine of every day, but you may need to shower daily, especially when you notice a smelly v&gin&. 2.    After you have ended a workout session, make sure that you shower, in order to remove the sweat from the body, including the v&gin&. 3.    Do not mask the smell by using...

6 Surprising Home Remedies For Toothache

treating a toothache at home A toothache is frustrating, painful and most of the time happens completely out of the blue! It’s not always clear why we develop a toothache so it can be hard to know exactly what to do. If your toothache persists for more than 2 days, you will need to pay a visit to your dentist. (Sorry!) Your dentist will also want a peek even sooner if you are experiencing any of the following: Severe pain Fever Extra sensitive teeth to cold or hot stimuli (like cold water or warm soups) Swelling or discharge between the gums and teeth Jaw pain Pain at the site of a wisdom tooth But we don’t want you writhing around in pain while you’re waiting for your dentist’s appointment, so here are some expert-approved home remedies that can provide you some temporary relief from your toothache. salt rinse One of the simplest and most convenient solutions for toothache is a saltwater rinse. Not only is salt water a natural disinfectant and antiseptic, but it ...

The Right Way To Change a Sanitary Pad !

There is a right and wrong way of using every product. There is a right way of using and changing a sanitary pad as well. It doesn’t matter which age you are – reading this can be really helpful, because you never know when is the time to learn something new. We learn all our life, right? First of all, the little nylon bag in which the pad is very nicely packed, isn’t there just for making the pads fancy. It’s there to keep the pad untouched, the scent of the pad fresh, but most of all – it’s a trash bag for the pad you’re throwing to put a new pad! Amazing right? I bet many of you didn’t know this fact. The old, used pad is taken off your panties by grabbing the clean edge, or simply – the wings if your pad has them. Then, you just roll the used bloody pad in a roll, from the sticky side out and place it in the nylon bag, or wrap the nylon over the wrapped pad. ALWAYS throw the pad in the trash can, or if there isn’t one, just take it with you until you find one. Don’t ...

If You Are A Woman With Chin Whiskers, Pay Attention, Here’s What It Means

Many women have a condition called polycystic ovary syndrome, otherwise known as PCOS, without even knowing it. Often times, candidates with PCOS experience irregular periods and increased facial hair and acne, particularly in the chin, lip, and sideburns. This is the result of a hormone imbalance, and that often — but not always — PCOS causes cysts to form right on the ovaries. These cysts aren’t harmful, but they do lead to hormone imbalances that can cause infrequent or prolonged menstrual periods, excess hair growth, acne, and obesity. It’s also important to get a diagnosis of PCOS early on so it doesn’t lead to long-term complications like type 2 diabetes and heart disease. What causes PCOS? Doctors don’t know what exactly causes polycystic ovary syndrome, but there are a few theories about certain risk factors: Excess insulin: Too much insulin might affect the ovaries by increasing androgen production (male hormones), which could ultimately interfere with the ovaries’ ab...

5 Foods You Should Never Eat If You Have Arthritis

According to statistics, there are more than 50 million arthritis patients in the U.S. only. On a daily basis, they are looking for different method to manage the pain, inflammation, and discomfort. The conventional treatment is consisted of pain meds; however, they do not resolve the root of the problem. This being said, even though there is no official arthritis diet, a lot of research points out that removing inflammatory foods can decrease the inflammation and help you deal with arthritis naturally. The 9 Foods You Should Avoid If You Have Arthritis Gluten and wheat These ingredients cause inflammation in the body, especially in those who are intolerant to them. A lot of studies associate leaky gut and increased gut permeability with joint ache. Leaky gut allows waste and toxins to penetrate the bloodstream through the intestines. These by-products are considered a threat so the body activates an immune response. This response triggers inflammation in the joints and ar...

14 Warning Signs Your Adrenals Are Burnt Out And What You Need To Fix Them

According to James Wilson in his book Adrenal Fatigue: The 21st Century Stress Syndrome, “The adrenals are known as ‘the glands of stress. It is their job to enable your body to deal with stress from every possible source, ranging from injury and disease to work and relationship problems. Your resiliency, energy, endurance and your very life all depend on their proper functioning.” When the adrenal glands are overworked, they lead to hormonal imbalances and reduce cortisol levels. It is actually a dysfunction between the brain and adrenal glands, that are located atop the kidneys and produce cortisol and sex hormones. In a state of a healthy balance, a person sleeps well, has a stable energy during the entire day, has a good sex drive, a normal body weight, and fast metabolism. Yet, in the case of stress, the normal response of the body is as follows: it produces hormones to fight it, and the hypothalamus releases corticotropin-releasing hormone, that triggers the producti...

Do This For 20 Minutes Before Going To Bed,will Change Your Skin Complexion Overnight

Summer season can be very rough time for our skin, during this time skin becomes dull and dry and need some extra attention. Today I will tell you a 2 step treatment that can make your skin radiant and glowing instantly. This is a 2 step process, all details are given below Step 1 – FIrst clean your face, for this purpose you can use a cotton ball soaked in rose water In a clean bowl take 2 spoon rice flour Add 3 spoon cucumber juice and 1 pinch of turmeric Mix it well and your scrub is ready Apply this scrub all over your face and rub gently for 5 minutes in circular motion Wash your face with plain water Step 2 – In this step we are going to apply a pack on our face In a bowl take 2 spoon sandalwood powder Add 2 spoon rose water and 1 spoon honey Apply it on your face and leave for 15 minutes Wash your face

Things You Shouldn’t Do During Your Period

When you’re on your period, there are a number of activities you definitely don’t feel like doing because of how your how your body feels. There are also a number of things you should never do on your period, not just because they don’t feel great, but because they could also harm your health or make you feel even worse. That time of the month is already a bummer as it is, so why make it harder on yourself? “Normal fluctuations in hormones during the menstrual cycle alter neurotransmitters that are responsible for a variety of functions, including mood, libido, appetite, anxiety, emotion, pain, and pleasure,” says Sara Twogood, MD, FACOG over email. “The changes and relative levels of estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone throughout the menstrual cycle, including during the period itself, are also responsible for many of the changes women notice (such as breakouts, breast tenderness, etc).” Everyone’s body is different, so some people may be more sensitive to these things t...